Are you considering making a video?

Before you jump in, have a think about what type of video you need.
We've identified there are two types of video that most organisations need:

1) Showcase Videos

These are usually high value, professionally shot videos that are created for a specific campaign, project or promo around your products or services. They can also be "about us" videos that sit on your homepage or blog. Typically most organisations and businesses only have a budget to create 1-2 of these showcase videos per year.

2) Relationship Videos

These are very frequent video updates that help you connect with your audience on a regular basis and can be shared across your social media and communications channels all year. With relationship videos your finish can be a bit more 'rough around the edges' and authentic - although they do need to be 'good enough' to do justice to your brand or name.
We create showcase videos through our creative production agency, Be Inspired Films and train people to make their own relationship videos through our VideoKnowHow Academy.
You can check out a 'high impact' showcase video we made for the Birmingham Young Professional of the Year Awards below:

If you're interested in learning to create relationship videos, then come along to our next 2hr 'Video Hero' Workshop.